The stretch into Budapest ….
Cruise Brochure
Welcome to Austria! Today will consist of two stops. Situated within Austria’s wine–growing region, Melk is home to an imposing 900–year old Benedictine Abbey which features Austria’s finest Italian baroque architecture, with its ornate gold leaf walls, 640ft Imperial Corridor and fresco ceilings. Later the ship sails through the spectacular Wachau Valley and on to Dürnstein, one of the most enchanting villages of the Wachau wine region. This is the site of the castle where Richard the Lionheart was imprisoned after returning from the crusades in the 12th century. If you fancy an active adventure sign up for today’s bike ride along the banks of the Danube or a guided hike to Durnstein Castle (active fitness level recommended – actual hike).
Another good setup for our stops today. Overnight we had sailed from Linz to our first stop of Melk. I didn’t do much in the first part of the day as I had some work I needed to attend to however the others headed off on the short bus trip to the Abbey. It was a fairly unanimous opinion that the Abbey was just spectacular – however no photos were allowed inside. It was only a short walk back to the boat however the bus also took you back. Most took this option as Steve, Gae and Greg had opted to do the bike ride and needed to get back a bit quicker to get ready.
As they headed off on their ride, it was “all aboard” for the rest as the boat left Melk for the fairly short cruise to Durnstein. As we left, we sat at the front of the boat in the lounge having the light lunch and almost immediately huge black clouds dumped their quota of rain for 20 minutes or so – poor bikers I’m afraid ? ! It didn’t last long but the clouds pretty much hung around for the rest of the day. Also not far out of Melk we passed Schonbuhel Castle – an ancient Baroque palace overlooking the river.

Schonbuhel Castle
We arrived in Durnstein early afternoon and being docked close in again, we were able to walk off and explore the little town. It was a nice spot and buzzing being a Sunday afternoon – with locals and tourists. The ruined castle is where Richard the Lionheart was imprisoned by Leopold V of Austria when he was captured and held for ransom as he returned from the Third Crusade in 1192.
We strolled back to the boat about 4.30pm and found the bikers had returned – and yes, they had got drenched !

Docked in Durnstein

The ruined castle above the town

An alley way from the river up to the town

Apricot products are big in the Wachau Valley – everything is apricot it seems !?
After dinner we were treated to the world famous “Crew Show” where members of the crew performed a number of corny and slapstick pieces. It was a lot of good fun. It was a pretty early night for all – the bikers pooped after their ride and the rest due for an early start tomorrow when we arrive in Vienna.

The crowd settling in for the “Crew Show”
Today’s “Tour Trivia” – There are no bridges across the Danube River in the area of the Wachau Valley and the only way across (unless you want to swim !) is by ferry.