No USA On The Horizon Just Yet … 1

When Adrienne’s hunt for good frequent flyer seats is on in earnest, and there are hours spent scanning hotel booking sights, our plans for our next holiday must be getting into full swing ! ✈

And with Simon just heading off to Finland for the next 12 months, our destination for 2018 was an easy choice – to be able to meet up with him and Jatta and do some travelling with them as he nears the end of his visa in August next year.

Obviously we will be spending some time in Finland, taking in Jatta’s home town of Turku in the south and a little time in the capital, Helsinki. However we will also be venturing further afield with them – and after some consideration, Simon and Jatta were very keen to visit ICELAND.

So Adrienne and I decided to make this  – a trip of many “LANDS”FIN-land for a few days to start with, then next stop ICE-land with Simon and Jatta. Following this, for Adrienne and I, we travel on to SCOT-land to take in some new territory in the north and finally a visit to IRE-land, which will all be new to us.

Here is an overview for you –

So first stop will be Finland – We are looking forward to the opportunity of meeting Jatta’s family, and having a home-grown guide to show us around the local sights in and around Turku and Helsinki ! – Oh …. and seeing Simon of course ! ?

Our travel plans for our next USA visit will have to wait for now – with the lure of family and lots of spectacular scenery throughout the “LANDS”, our 2018 travels are looking great and we will be counting down the days !

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