Well, the days are counting down and the excitement building as we move closer to our next USA adventure !
This coming tour continues the theme of our 2016 “Central States” tour and moves north into the real “Mid West America” states. As a whole, it’s probably not an area which would be at the top of too many travel wish lists 😜 however there are certainly places, like Chicago, which would. But, we can’t say we’ve visited all 50 states until, well, we’ve visited ALL 50 states – can we !
It having been 3 years since our last USA tour ( can you believe it ! ), we are very excited to be going back and from our research so far we know there will be plenty of things to look forward to. Adrienne has the TomTom GPS setup with a vast array of “points of interest” – and if our last tour is any indication, there will also be many unexpected things to look forward to as well !

Below is our route plan for this tour –
From our starting point of Omaha, Nebraska –
– we first head east across Iowa and Illinois, around Lake Michigan and up to Lake Superior. Then after a dip down through Wisconsin, its back north through Minnesota before a trek west to the Dakotas.
We then turn south, right down the middle of the country, before finally turning east again, back across Nebraska and to our starting point in Omaha.

You will see there are a few little “off shoots” on the road along the way …… just part of the adventure and all will be revealed as we go ! Remember, besides the corn fields, there is a lot of “Quirky America” out there !!
This tour includes some really unique locations, some familiar faces and a few more National Parks to add to our tally along the way !
AND………., it’s back of course !!! ….. “Today’s Tour Trivia” 🤣🤣🤣
I know you’ve been lost since our last tour without your regular dose – so here’s one to whet your appetite again ……
Today’s (Pre)Tour Trivia – The Great Midwest Trivia Contest, is held once a year in Appleton, Wisconsin. It began in 1966, and was broadcast every year over Lawrence University’s radio station, WLFM. Then, beginning with “Trivia XLI” in 2006, it went to “webcast only”. It now runs over 3 days each January, includes over 350 questions and this year (January 2019) over 80 teams participated ! And it has a claim as the “world’s longest running trivia contest” – because of its custom of having the university’s president ask the previous year’s final and most difficult question, the “Super Garuda”, as the first question of the next year’s contest.