Another year rolls around and our holiday time beckons – which means the opportunity for more states to be tackled and ticked off our “50 States” adventure list.
So its off to the USA we go again and, as usual, there has already been lots of planning and the outline for our “USA 2016” tour is well in hand.
After our last trip filled in the northwest corner states of the country, our “visited states” map of the USA (below) now looks pretty bare in the middle so that’s where we are headed this time.
And looking at other “official” regional definitions didn’t really help either – its really a bit of a mish mash. Depending on the version of “official”, the actual states included in the definition change anyway.

- We touch down in the city with the infamous “grassy knoll”
- Heading a fair way west to begin, we’ll see if “we should have turned left at …….?…….”
- Then turning back east we’ll have to watch out if “the wind comes sweeping down the plain”
- Moving on to the north “there is no place like home” apparently.
- Onward further east, we will visit the land of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer before following “Old Man River” to see if “zing, zing, zing went my heartstrings” when “clang, clang, clang went the trolley”
- Another stop will take in the home town of one great American president, (the one with the stove-pipe hat), and possibly The Simpsons ? and further east again we will check out the famous “speedway capital of the world”
- Turning south now is another famous racing circuit – but this one is for horses, and it’s also the land known as “the home of bourbon”.
- For music fans its on to the home of country music and the Grand Ole Opry and then to the home of a music legend, the “King of Rock n’ Roll”.
- From here we will pass through the town where “Gentlemen prefer Blondes” !
- And on our way back to the “grassy knoll”, we will visit the town bearing the name of the movie which won the Palme d”Or at the 1984 Cannes Film Festival !
And there is lots, lots more to explore and amaze in between !