We haven’t ventured very far down the coast for quite some time so back at the end of March we decided it was a good choice for a few days away. A little hunting and we found an ideal spot just north of Moruya – The Bower at Broulee.
The accommodation is designed to “capture the tranquility of its natural forest setting with the maximum level of privacy possible and without compromising quality“. There are about 6 separate accommodation “bowers” – even an Airstream ! – on the property and ours was beautifully appointed. Each bower is located at least 100m apart separated by a screen of natural bush. They perfectly fit our kind of quiet getaway – a nice, peaceful location with a view, a fully self-contained kitchen, BBQ facilities and wood fireplace (if the weather is cold) so that we can look after ourselves.
The big outside deck is a perfect place to sit and listen to the birds – the parrots and kookaburras really enjoying the birdseed provided – and to have a quiet glass of bubbly of course !
The property adjoins “Illawong Nature Reserve” so we had a great spot to venture along the trails and watch the birds – before the rain came again !
Nearby, we visited the lookout above Broulee Beach, Batemans Bay and ventured further south to Narooma, the Bodalla Cheese Factory and the little town of Tilba Tilba – the location of the farm used in Australia’s version of “River Cottage”. Though we didn’t take in the Zoo, we did potter around the little town of Mogo and had a nice lunch out of the rain at Grumpy & Sweetheart’s Cafe.
The weather wasn’t great, however we managed to find Tilba Valley Winery & Ale House where we escaped the rain and enjoyed another nice lunch. Unfortunately our timing for the “Ale House” part was a week early as they had only just installed their taps and the first kegs were due the following week. Oh well, gives us an excuse to visit again.
If you are looking for a nice, quiet spot on the South Coast for a few days away – we would highly recommend it ! #theboweratbroulee

Some of the locals ….

A good spot out of the rain for lunch